
amphibians and reptiles of locality: Sinemorac (Black Sea coast, Bulgaria), environment of locality record id4336

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id5533, Ablepharus kitaibelii, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Akhtopol, Achtepol, Achtopol, - m a. s., Andrej Funk, 02.05.2011, 29.08.2011,
Akhtopol, Achtepol, Achtopol, Agathopolis, Ahtapolu, Ahtopol, Akhtebol, Ахтопол Akhtopol, Achtepol, Achtopol, Agathopolis, Ahtapolu, Ahtopol, Akhtebol, Ахтопол
id11313, Ablepharus kitaibelii, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец, - m a. s., Jiří Hejduk, Ota Knobloch, Martin Vlček, 30.04.2017, 01.06.2017,
Ablepharus kitaibelii Ablepharus kitaibelii Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец
id2113, Anguis fragilis s.l., Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorec, Sinemoretz, 2 m a. s., Petr Balej, 07.08.2008, 23.08.2008, 1 road-killed subadult

id4336, Bufo bufo, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorac, 5 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 08.-16.07.2010, 15.09.2010,

id4341, Bufo bufo, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец, 1 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 08.-16.07.2010, 23.08.2010,
Bufo bufo Bufo bufo Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец
id10399, Bufo bufo, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец, 28 m a. s., Ota Knobloch, 26.06.2015, 07.09.2015,
Bufo bufo Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец
id5549, Darevskia praticola, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец, - m a. s., Andrej Funk, 02.05.2011, 29.08.2011,
Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец
id6807, Dolichophis caspius, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorec, - m a. s., Petr Berka, 04.07.2012, 06.09.2012,
Dolichophis caspius
id1235, Dolichophis caspius, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorec, Sinemoretz, 8 m a. s., Zdeněk Polášek, 03.07.2007, 23.09.2007, Run - over adult specimen.
Dolichophis caspius Dolichophis caspius
id4287, Dolichophis caspius, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец, 80 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 08.-16.07.2010, 23.08.2010,
Dolichophis caspius Dolichophis caspius Dolichophis caspius
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