
amphibians and reptiles of locality: Tembi (Thessaly, Greece), environment of locality record id1959

id1959, Bufo bufo, Greece > Thessaly > Tembi, 23 m a. s., František Jůna, 07.05.2008, 16.08.2008, 1 spec.
Bufo bufo
id6356, Hyla arborea, Greece > Thessaly > Témpi, Tempi, Koilas Tembon, 30 m a. s., Jan Dušek, 22.06.2009, 25.05.2012, 2 M
Témpi, Tempi, Koilas Tembon, Koilás Tembón, Tembe, Tembi, Témbi, Vale of Tempe