Novo Delchevo, Deltschewo, Gara Delchevo

amphibians and reptiles of locality: Novo Delchevo, Deltschewo, Gara Delchevo (Struma valley, Bulgaria), environment of locality record id6485

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id503, Vipera ammodytes, Bulgaria > Struma valley > Damjanica, 150 m a. s., Petr Balej, 16.04.2006, 01.11.2006, adult male before ekdysis, observed 3 times during day at the same place
Vipera ammodytes Vipera ammodytes Damjanica
id622, Vipera ammodytes, Bulgaria > Struma valley > Damjanica, 200 m a. s., Petr Balej, 16.04.2006, 27.01.2007, killed individual

id696, Vipera ammodytes, Bulgaria > Struma valley > Damjanica, 100 m a. s., Petr Balej, 17.04.2006, 10.03.2007, female
Vipera ammodytes Vipera ammodytes Damjanica
id1059, Vipera ammodytes, Bulgaria > Struma valley > Damjanica, 190 m a. s., Petr Balej, 02.05.2007, 26.07.2007, subadultní samice

id5362, Vipera ammodytes, Bulgaria > Struma valley > Kožuch - Damyanitsa, - m a. s., Marek Jedlička, 10.05.2010, 08.08.2011,

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