
amphibians and reptiles of locality: Carevo (Black Sea coast, Bulgaria), environment of locality record id61

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id49, Testudo graeca, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Carevo, 30 m a. s., Petr Balej, 04.07.2003, 27.03.2006, big adult female with anomalous scales on carapax and with deformation of the head, ssp. ibera
Testudo graeca Testudo graeca Testudo graeca
id51, Testudo graeca, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Carevo, 110 m a. s., Petr Balej, 10.07.2003, 27.03.2006, adult male, ssp. ibera

id53, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Carevo, 30 m a. s., Petr Balej, 04.07.2003, 27.03.2006, adult male, ssp. boettgeri
Testudo hermanni
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