
amphibians and reptiles of locality: Kavros (Crete, Greece), environment of locality record id478

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id480, Mauremys rivulata, Greece > Crete > Kavros, 3-5 m a. s., Petr Vlček, 12.09.2006, 27.09.2006, -
Mauremys rivulata Kavros
id11279, Mauremys rivulata, Greece > Crete > Kavrós, Kavros, - m a. s., Jozef Májsky, 01.07.2010, 04.02.2017, about 5 individuals
Mauremys rivulata
id491, Pelophylax cretensis, Greece > Crete > Kavros, 50 m a. s., Petr Vlček, 04.09.2006, 19.10.2006, observed only one juvenile
id448, Trachemys scripta, Greece > Crete > Kavros, 5 m a. s., Petr Vlček, 05.09.2006, 22.09.2006, ssp. scripta, introdiced to Crete, carapaxe length 41mm, width 35 mm; With regard to small size of this individual, it is possible natural reproduction of this subspecies. However adult individuals were not observed.
Trachemys scripta Trachemys scripta Trachemys scripta Trachemys scripta Kavros
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