id | species | country | region | locality | altitude | author of find | date of find | publication date of find | comments |
id332 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Achtopol | 25 | Daniel Jablonski | 20.06.2006 | 16.07.2006 | Testudo graeca ibera at its origin locality |
id334 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Achtopol | 10 | Daniel Jablonski | 21.06.2006 | 16.07.2006 | young Testudo graeca ibera |
id2107 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Achtopol | 40 | Petr Balej | 07.08.2008 | 23.08.2008 | 1 road-killed adult |
id6823 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Achtopol | - | Petr Berka | 02.07.2012 | 06.09.2012 | |
id5495 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Akhtopol, Achtepol, Achtopol, Agathopolis, Ahtapolu, Ahtopol, Akhtebol, Ахтопол | - | Andrej Funk | 01.05.2011 | 15.08.2011 | |
id11714 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Akhtopol, Achtepol, Achtopol, Agathopolis, Ahtapolu, Ahtopol, Akhtebol, Ахтопол | 30 | Marek Jedlička | 18.06.2017 | 20.10.2017 | |
id6821 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Alepu | - | Petr Berka | 06.07.2012 | 06.09.2012 | |
id8020 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Arkutino, Аркутино | 1 | Daniel Jablonski, Daniel Koleška, Tomáš Husák | 12.06.2013 | 12.11.2013 | Tens of specimens |
id8299 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Beglik Tash, Бегликташ, Беглик Таш | 130 | Petr Balej | 15.07.2013 | 14.12.2013 | 1 old adult female with extremly arched plastron |
id605 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Brodilovo | 220 | Daniel Jablonski | 24.06.2006 | 17.01.2007 | ssp. ibera |
id49 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Carevo | 30 | Petr Balej | 04.07.2003 | 27.03.2006 | big adult female with anomalous scales on carapax and with deformation of the head, ssp. ibera |
id51 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Carevo | 110 | Petr Balej | 10.07.2003 | 27.03.2006 | adult male, ssp. ibera |
id7619 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Elenite | 40 | Miloslav Homolka | 05.-15.08.2013 | 19.08.2013 | |
id7671 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Elenite | 160 | Miloslav Homolka | 05.-15.08.2013 | 21.08.2013 | |
id7705 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Elenite | 45 | Miloslav Homolka | 05.-15.08.2013 | 26.08.2013 | |
id6742 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Izgrev, Изгрев | 180 | Miloslav Homolka | 03.08.2012 | 23.08.2012 | |
id706 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Kiten | - | Petr Antálek | 14.07.2006 | 23.03.2007 | shell of adult male |
id708 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Kiten | - | Petr Antálek | 18.07.2006 | 23.03.2007 | male from pine-tree forest |
id1294 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Kosti | 50 | Petr Balej | 09.05.2007 | 19.10.2007 | subadult |
id1387 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Kosti | 50 | Petr Balej | 10.05.2007 | 16.11.2007 | subadult |
id11675 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Kranevo - Rogačevo | - | Ľudovít Jarečný | 18.08.2017 | 30.08.2017 | |
id3354 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Malko Tarnovo | 410 | Jan Richtr | 13.07.2009 | 25.07.2010 | |
id9646 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Otmanli Park, парк Отманли | 35 | Petr Balej | 19.07.2013 | 18.10.2014 | 1 adult |
id8238 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Petrova Niva | 286 | Daniel Jablonski, Daniel Koleška, Tomáš Husák | 17.06.2013 | 04.12.2013 | |
id50 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko | 40 | Petr Balej | 09.07.2003 | 27.03.2006 | ssp. ibera |
id278 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko | 15-25 | Petr Vlček | 13.07.2005 | 26.05.2006 | road killed individual, ssp. ibera |
id611 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko | 50 | Petr Vlček | 28.08.1988 | 19.01.2007 | |
id625 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko | 10 | Petr Vlček | 12.07.2005 | 27.01.2007 | |
id1264 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko | 55 | Petr Balej | 07.05.2007 | 09.10.2007 | adult female |
id1275 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko | 10 | Petr Balej | 08.05.2007 | 13.10.2007 | 1 individual |
id6857 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko, Kjuprija, Kyupriya, Приморско | 69 | Daniel Jablonski, Michal Rindoš | 22.04.2012 | 28.09.2012 | One adult specimen (male). |
id7170 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | locality not published | 43 | Daniel Jablonski, Michal Rindoš | 22.04.2012 | 11.03.2013 | A two adult specimens. |
id8283 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko, Kjuprija, Kyupriya, Приморско | 13 | Daniel Jablonski, Daniel Koleška, Tomáš Husák | 19.06.2013 | 06.12.2013 | |
id7877 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko, Приморско | 60 | Petr Balej | 16.07.2013 | 01.10.2013 | 2 adults |
id8333 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Primorsko, Приморско | 35 | Petr Balej | 14.07.2013 | 02.02.2014 | road-killed adult |
id7933 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Ravadinovo, Равадиново | 20 | Petr Balej | 20.07.2013 | 27.10.2013 | road-killed juvenile |
id6890 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Ropotamo, Ryeka Kargan, Tsarska, Zarska Ryeka, Ропотамо | 7 | Daniel Jablonski, Michal Rindoš | 23.04.2012 | 04.10.2012 | One subadult specimen. |
id5577 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Ropotamo, Ропотамо | - | Andrej Funk | 05.05.2011 | 29.08.2011 | |
id6392 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Ropotamo, Ропотамо | 6-28 | Ota Knobloch | 05.06.2012 | 04.07.2012 | |
id9574 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Ropotamo, Ропотамо | 40 | Petr Balej | 16.07.2013 | 26.09.2014 | 1 adult |
id47 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Sinemorec, Sinemoretz | 20 | Petr Balej | 02.07.2003 | 27.03.2006 | adult male and juv. ssp. ibera |
id4307 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец | 5 | Miloslav Homolka | 08.-16.07.2010 | 31.10.2010 | |
id5541 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Sinemorets, Sinemorec, Синеморец | - | Andrej Funk | 02.05.2011 | 29.08.2011 | |
id7959 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Sozopol, Apollonia, Sizebolu, Sizopol, Sosopol, Sozopol', Sozopolis, Σωζόπολη, Созопол, Созополь | 67 | Daniel Jablonski, Daniel Koleška, Tomáš Husák | 11.06.2013 | 09.11.2013 | |
id9631 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Sozopol, Созопол | 90 | Petr Balej | 18.07.2013 | 10.10.2014 | 1 adult |
id6783 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Tsarevo, Carevo, Царево | 52 | Miloslav Homolka | 10.08.2012 | 26.08.2012 | |
id4593 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Yasna Polyana, Jasna Poljana, Ясна Поляна | - | Roman Šmejkal | 06.09.2010 | 28.10.2010 | |
id6373 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Black Sea coast | Yasna Polyana, Jasna Poljana, Ясна Поляна | - | Roman Šmejkal | 05.05.2012 | 10.06.2012 | |
id2806 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Danubian Plain | Dolna Studena | 77-80 | Ilian Velikov | IV.2009 | 01.05.2009 | |
id498 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Borislavci | 100 | Petr Balej | 23.04.2006 | 26.10.2006 | 4 shells with divided plastrons from carapaxes |
id695 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Borislavci | 150 | Petr Balej | 23.04.2006 | 09.03.2007 | |
id2992 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Borislavci, Бориславци | 189 | Ilian Velikov | June 2009 | 03.07.2009 | |
id10738 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Dolna Kula, Ziir Burgas, Долна Кула | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 03.09.2015 | 12.04.2016 | |
id184 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Harmanli | 100 | Petr Balej | 14.08.2005 | 27.03.2006 | adult, ssp. ibera |
id2994 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Madjarovo | 160 | Ilian Velikov | June 2009 | 03.07.2009 | |
id677 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Madžarovo, Madjarovo | 200 | Petr Balej | 22.04.2006 | 22.02.2007 | |
id694 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Madžarovo, Madjarovo | 200 | Petr Balej | 23.04.2006 | 09.03.2007 | subadult |
id1094 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Eastern Rhodopes Mts. | Odrinci | 80 | Petr Balej | 04.05.2007 | 05.08.2007 | adult female |
id4075 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Pirin Mts. | Melnik, Мелник | 440 | Daniel Jablonski | 16.05.2010 | 05.07.2010 | Three aduts specimens (1 male, 2 female). |
id1682 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Sakar | Levka | 220 | Petr Balej | 24.09.2007 | 18.03.2008 | 1 juv |
id1686 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Sakar | Levka | - | Petr Balej | 24.09.2007 | 20.03.2008 | 1 subadult |
id1689 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Sakar | Levka | - | Petr Balej | 24.09.2007 | 20.03.2008 | rests of shell after big fried tortoise on fire |
id101 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 150-200 | Petr Balej | 28.03.2005 | 27.03.2006 | 4 individuals |
id175 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 150-200 | Petr Balej | 07.08.2005 | 27.03.2006 | 6 individuals, 2 times observed rush-act, big female with bell shaped and elongated back of carapax, ssp. ibera |
id505 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 100 | Petr Balej | 16.04.2006 | 01.11.2006 | 2 individuals |
id663 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 220 | Petr Balej | 16.04.2006 | 24.01.2007 | |
id618 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 140 | Petr Balej | 16.04.2006 | 26.01.2007 | |
id630 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 140 | Petr Balej | 17.04.2006 | 31.01.2007 | recapture of big female ( circa 300 m from the place if first find; totaly 2 females |
id637 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 150 | Petr Balej | 17.04.2006 | 03.02.2007 | |
id667 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 140 | Petr Balej | 16.04.2006 | 16.02.2007 | |
id1061 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 160-200 | Petr Balej | 02.05.2007 | 26.07.2007 | |
id1062 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 140-190 | Petr Balej | 02.05.2007 | 26.07.2007 | |
id1452 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 150-200 | Petr Balej | 13.09.2007 | 30.11.2007 | |
id1455 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica | 100-200 | Petr Balej | 13.09.2007 | 04.12.2007 | |
id5910 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damjanica, Дамяница | 106 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Donát | 16.08.2011 | 04.01.2012 | Dead on road juvenile specimen. |
id5940 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damyanitsa, Damjanica, Damjaniza, Orman Chiflik, Дамяница | 237 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Donát | 17.08.2011 | 15.01.2012 | Two adult specimens and one juvenile specimen. |
id7386 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Damyanitsa, Damjanica, Дамяница | 180 | Petr Balej | 22.05.2013 | 18.07.2013 | 1 subadult |
id92 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Džigurovo, Djigurovo | 300 | Petr Balej | 26.03.2005 | 27.03.2006 | 3 adult individuals, male on this photo, ssp. ibera |
id1460 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | General Todorov | 150 | Petr Balej | 14.09.2007 | 12.12.2007 | 2 adults |
id10051 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Gorna Breznitsa, Bresnica, Bresniza, Breznica, Breznitsa, Brezniča, Brešnica, Bryeznitsa, Gorna Breznica, Горна Брезница | - | Martin Vlček | 02.05.2015 | 02.06.2015 | |
id1465 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kožuch, Kozhuh | 250 | Petr Balej | 14.09.2007 | 18.12.2007 | 4 adults |
id1466 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kožuch, Kozhuh | 200-250 | Petr Balej | 15.09.2007 | 23.12.2007 | |
id105 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 250 | Petr Balej | 31.03.2005 | 27.03.2006 | adult male with divided supracaudal shield, ssp. ibera |
id106 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 250 | Petr Balej | 30.03.2005 | 27.03.2006 | juvenile, shell, ssp. ibera |
id633 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 250 | Petr Balej | 20.04.2006 | 01.02.2007 | |
id670 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 300 | Petr Balej | 19.04.2006 | 18.02.2007 | |
id965 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 230 | Petr Balej | 01.05.2007 | 06.07.2007 | juv. |
id1052 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 270 | Petr Balej | 01.05.2007 | 25.07.2007 | subadult female with featureless spurs, spur on the right femur missing! |
id1733 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 350 | Petr Balej | 23.03.2008 | 24.04.2008 | adult pair (nunchale missing in female) |
id1991 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 200 | Petr Balej | 23.07.2008 | 21.08.2008 | 1 road-killed adult |
id1993 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | 220 | Petr Balej | 24.07.2008 | 21.08.2008 | 1 shell |
id5633 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Kresna | - | Ilian Velikov | 31.08.2011 | 30.09.2011 | |
id654 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Lešnica, Leshnica | 220 | Petr Balej | 17.04.2006 | 08.02.2007 | |
id90 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Liljanovo | 500 | Petr Balej | 26.03.2005 | 27.03.2006 | adult female with light divided supracaudal scale, ssp. ibera |
id93 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Liljanovo | 500 | Petr Balej | 26.03.2005 | 27.03.2006 | adult female, ssp. ibera |
id7357 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Liljanovo, Лиляново | 490 | Petr Balej | 23.05.2013 | 11.07.2013 | 1 adult |
id4897 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Melnik, Мелник | - | Roman Šmejkal | 03.05.2011 | 07.06.2011 | |
id10055 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Rupite, Kozhuh | - | Martin Vlček | 04.05.2015 | 02.06.2015 | |
id4921 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Sandanski, Сандански | - | Roman Šmejkal | 03.05.2011 | 08.06.2011 | |
id6379 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Sandanski, Сандански | - | Roman Šmejkal | 01.05.2012 | 11.06.2012 | |
id10527 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Sandanski, Сандански | 190 | Petr Balej | 21.05.2013 | 29.11.2015 | road-killed big adult |
id272 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Struma | 150 | Petr Balej | 15.04.2006 | 22.05.2006 | shell find near route, ssp. ibera |
id507 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Struma | 250 | Petr Balej | 15.04.2006 | 02.11.2006 | pair observed during copulation |
id541 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Struma | 230 | Petr Balej | 15.04.2006 | 27.11.2006 | - |
id87 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Valkovo | 200 | Petr Balej | 25.03.2005 | 27.03.2006 | adult male, ssp. ibera |
id270 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Valkovo | 350 | Petr Balej | 15.04.2006 | 13.05.2006 | female with divided last left costal shield, ssp. ibera |
id392 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Valkovo | 350 | Petr Balej | 15.04.2006 | 11.08.2006 | male trying to find female |
id547 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Valkovo | 320 | Petr Balej | 15.04.2006 | 02.12.2006 | - |
id616 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Valkovo | 160 | Petr Balej | 15.04.2006 | 25.01.2007 | |
id6376 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Struma valley | Vinogradi, Виногради | - | Roman Šmejkal | 03.05.2012 | 10.06.2012 | |
id1629 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Tundzha valley | Knjaževo, Knyazevo | 100 | Petr Balej | 22.09.2007 | 16.02.2008 | 1 juv + 1 adult |
id2007 | Testudo graeca | Bulgaria | Western Rhodopes Mts. | Asenovgrad | 400 | Petr Balej | 25.07.2008 | 21.08.2008 | 1 shell of big adult |
id12057 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Kos | Kardámaina, Kardamaina, Cardamena, Chorio Kardamaina, Chorió Kardámaina, Kardamena, Kardhamaina, Kardhámaina, Καρδάμαινα | - | Petr Stehlík | 19.06.2019 | 14.07.2019 | |
id1216 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Achladochori | 380 | Ilias Strachinis | 17.06.2007 | 09.09.2007 | |
id1546 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Anthokipi | - | Martin Šandera, Hana Šanderová | 09.-10.07.2001 | 13.01.2008 | according to Sandera M., Sanderova H., 2003: Setkani s herpetofaunou ve dvou oblastech v recke Makedonii. Herpetologicke informace 2 (1): 29 - 38. |
id1551 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Drakondio | - | Martin Šandera, Hana Šanderová | 08.-09.07.2001 | 13.01.2008 | according to Sandera M., Sanderova H., 2003: Setkani s herpetofaunou ve dvou oblastech v recke Makedonii. Herpetologicke informace 2 (1): 29 - 38. |
id9787 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Límni Kerkínis, Limni Kerkinis, Kerkinitis Limni, Limni Butkovou, Limni Kerkini, Límni Butkóvou, Límni Kerkíni | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 19.10.2014 | 02.01.2015 | |
id9172 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Nikiti | 16 | Kristijan Lazić | 27.07.2014 | 30.07.2014 | |
id1458 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Oreokastro | - | Martin Šandera, Hana Šanderová | 09.-10.07.2001 | 09.12.2007 | according to Sandera M., Sanderova H., 2003: Setkani s herpetofaunou ve dvou oblastech v recke Makedonii. Herpetologicke informace 2 (1): 29 - 38. |
id5460 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Peristera | 427 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 06.05.2011 | 13.10.2011 | Two adult specimens. |
id1900 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Sarti | 2 | František Jůna | 14.05.2008 | 22.07.2008 | Female |
id1901 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Sarti | 4 | František Jůna | 08.05.2008 | 22.07.2008 | |
id815 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Soluň, Thessaloniki | 187 | Ilias Strachinis | 08.05.2007 | 24.05.2007 | adult |
id874 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Soluň, Thessaloniki | 200 | Ilias Strachinis | 25.05.2007 | 10.06.2007 | very big adult! |
id4438 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thasos | Nísos Thásos, Nisos Thasos, Tasoez, Tasos, Taşöz, Thasos, Thassos, Thassos Island, Thásos, tasos, Θάσος, Тасос | 45 | Kristijan Lazić | 27.08.2010 | 16.09.2010 | |
id4551 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Amaxádhes, Amaxadhes | 97 | Daniel Jablonski | 23.05.2010 | 26.12.2010 | A one adult specimen. |
id3293 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Dadía, Dadia, Dhadhia, Dhadhiá | - | Martin Dobrota | 24.06.2009 | 23.08.2009 | |
id5378 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Dadía, Dadia, Dhadhia, Dhadhiá | 95 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 30.04.2011 | 20.09.2011 | Ten and more specimens. |
id5483 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Dadía, Dadia, Dhadhia, Dhadhiá | 96 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 01.05.2011 | 20.09.2011 | More than ten specimens. |
id5430 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Evros delta | 1 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 03.05.2011 | 01.10.2011 | A one adult specimen. |
id5442 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Evros delta | 1 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 04.05.2011 | 11.10.2011 | More than ten adult specimens. |
id5932 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Lefkimi | 178 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 02.05.2011 | 16.01.2012 | A one juvenile specimen. |
id5416 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Loutros | 21 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 02.05.2011 | 23.09.2011 | A one adult specimen. |
id6106 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | locality not published | 107 | Daniel Jablonski, Boris Demovič, Martin Dobrota | 03.05.2011 | 16.03.2012 | Two adult specimens, one juvenile specimen. |
id6105 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | locality not published | 107 | Daniel Jablonski, Boris Demovič, Martin Dobrota | 02.05.2011 | 16.03.2012 | One adult specimen. |
id5446 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Maroneia | 217 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 04.05.2011 | 11.10.2011 | A one adult specimen. |
id4101 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Mésti, Mesti | 181 | Daniel Jablonski | 23.05.2010 | 05.07.2010 | 1 juvenil specimen. |
id10411 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Nísos Samothráki, Nisos Samothraki, Nisos Samotraki, Samothrace, Samothracia, Samothrake, Samothraki, Samothráki, Samothrákē, Samotracia, Samotraka, Samotraki, Semadirek, Semadirek Ada, Semendrek, Σαμοθράκη, Самотрака, Самотраки | - | Jiří Hejduk | 04.07.2015 | 08.09.2015 | |
id5832 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thrace | Vyssa | 74 | Daniel Jablonski, Martin Dobrota, Boris Demovič | 30.04.2011 | 20.12.2011 | A one dead specimen. |
id10710 | Testudo graeca | Macedonia | Macedonia | Durfulija, Dorfulija, Durfuli, Durfulli, Torfali | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 29.06.2015 | 12.04.2016 | |
id9911 | Testudo graeca | Macedonia | Macedonia | Skopje | - | Petr Stehlík | 12.03.2006 | 22.04.2015 | |
id12168 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Babadag, Babadagh, Babadagi, Babadau, Babadağ, Babadağı, باباطاغی | - | Olga Suldovská | 20.05.2019 | 09.04.2020 | |
id12162 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Măcin, Macin, Maçin, ماچین | - | Olga Suldovská | 18.05.2019 | 20.01.2020 | |
id12160 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Măcin, Macin, Maçin, ماچین | - | Olga Suldovská | 18.05.2019 | 20.01.2020 | |
id12156 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Măcin, Macin, Maçin, ماچین | - | Olga Suldovská | 18.05.2019 | 20.01.2020 | |
id12150 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Măcin, Macin, Maçin, ماچین | - | Olga Suldovská | 17.05.2019 | 20.01.2020 | |
id12148 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Măcin, Macin, Maçin, ماچین | - | Olga Suldovská | 17.05.2019 | 20.01.2020 | |
id12134 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Măcin, Macin, Maçin, ماچین | - | Olga Suldovská | 17.05.2019 | 20.01.2020 | |
id5723 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Mahmudia | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 23.05.2007 | 25.10.2011 | |
id5725 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Mahmudia | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 23.05.2007 | 25.10.2011 | |
id3624 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Vadu | - | Vlad Cioflec | 10.01.2010 | 12.01.2010 | One carapace |
id5719 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Danube delta | Vadu | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 31.08.2006 | 25.10.2011 | |
id3815 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Adamclisi | - | Vlad Cioflec | 08.05.2010 | 11.05.2010 | |
id9556 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Albesti | - | Vlad Cioflec | 06.09.2014 | 08.09.2014 | |
id314 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Babadag | - | Milan Husák | V. 2006 | 01.07.2006 | We found a few very old males on this locality, whit estimated age more than 50 years, ssp. ibera |
id316 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Babadag | - | Milan Husák | V. 2006 | 02.07.2006 | juvenile, ssp. ibera |
id9348 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Babadag, Babadagh, Babadagi, Babadau, Babadağ, Babadağı, باباطاغی | - | Olga Suldovská | 07.05.2012 | 20.08.2014 | |
id10694 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Babadag, Babadagh, Babadagi, Babadau, Babadağ, Babadağı, باباطاغی | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 24.05.2015 | 12.04.2016 | |
id12210 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Babadag, Babadagh, Babadagi, Babadau, Babadağ, Babadağı, باباطاغی | - | Olga Suldovská | 22.05.2019 | 21.05.2020 | |
id12198 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Babadag, Babadagh, Babadagi, Babadau, Babadağ, Babadağı, باباطاغی | - | Olga Suldovská | 22.05.2019 | 21.05.2020 | |
id2871 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Băneasa, Baneasa | - | Vlad Cioflec | 24.05.2009 | 27.05.2009 | two specimens |
id315 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Bestepe | - | Milan Husák | V. 2006 | 01.07.2006 | juvenile female, ssp. ibera |
id317 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Bestepe | - | Milan Husák | V. 2006 | 02.07.2006 | Tortoises are in very good condition,they have very clean and shiny shells. This is caused by moving in various grass and low bushes, and also by good diet.; ssp. ibera |
id9333 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Beştepe, Bestepe, Besh Tepe | - | Olga Suldovská | 05.05.2012 | 20.08.2014 | |
id9160 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Coroana | - | Vlad Cioflec | 26.07.2014 | 29.07.2014 | |
id3817 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Dumbraveni | - | Vlad Cioflec | 08.05.2010 | 11.05.2010 | |
id8727 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Dumbraveni | - | Vlad Cioflec | 18.05.2014 | 19.05.2014 | |
id10446 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Fantana Mare | - | Vlad Cioflec | 26.09.2015 | 01.10.2015 | |
id10680 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Greci | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 20.05.2015 | 12.04.2016 | |
id2363 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Gura Dobrogei | - | Vlad Cioflec | VII.2007 | 09.11.2008 | sub-adult |
id3819 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Hagieni | - | Vlad Cioflec | 09.05.2010 | 11.05.2010 | |
id312 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Histria | 10 | Milan Husák | V. 2006 | 01.07.2006 | male and female, ssp. ibera |
id2813 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Histria | - | Vlad Cioflec | 01.05.2009 | 04.05.2009 | adults |
id1309 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Macin | - | Ondřej Rousek | 30.04.2005 | 22.10.2007 | |
id2503 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Macin | 300 | Vlad Cioflec | 01.05.2008 | 13.11.2008 | rich population |
id9327 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Măcin, Macin, Maçin, ماچین | - | Olga Suldovská | 04.05.2012 | 20.08.2014 | |
id10688 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Măcin, Macin, Maçin, ماچین | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 21.05.2015 | 12.04.2016 | |
id10448 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Petrosani | - | Vlad Cioflec | 26.09.2015 | 01.10.2015 | |
id5470 | Testudo graeca | Romania | Dobrudja | Vlahii | - | Vlad Cioflec | 07.08.2011 | 10.08.2011 | 1 |
id4086 | Testudo graeca | Turkey | European Turkey | Eceabat, Acaabat, Açaabat, Madytus, Maidos, Maitos, Maydos | 8 | Daniel Jablonski | 18.05.2010 | 05.07.2010 | 1 adult specimen. |
id5689 | Testudo graeca | Turkey | European Turkey | Enez | - | Petra a Pavel Štěpánek | 05.09.2011 | 20.10.2011 | |
id4504 | Testudo graeca | Turkey | European Turkey | Kayalı, Kayali, Bedre | 257 | Daniel Jablonski | 22.05.2010 | 25.10.2010 | A one dead juvenile specimen. |
id4118 | Testudo graeca | Turkey | European Turkey | Sarpdere, Sarpac, Sarpaç | 563 | Daniel Jablonski | 22.05.2010 | 05.07.2010 | One adults specimens. |