Dinarolacerta mosorensis (syn. Lacerta mosorensis), Mosor Rock Lizard

Dinarolacerta mosorensis
photo fid576, Robert Csekés, 19.11.2006, They inhabit flaws and they are very shy, so it is very difficult to sight them. They display only top of a head as far as eyes from a flaw. After disturbance disappear.

this photo is related to locality find:
id526, Dinarolacerta mosorensis, Croatia > Dalmatia > Mosor, - m a. s., Robert Csekés, 18.09.2004, 19.11.2006, They inhabit flaws and they are very shy, so it is very difficult to sight them. They display only top of a head as far as eyes from a flaw. After disturbance disappear.