id | species | country | region | locality | altitude | author of find | date of find | publication date of find | comments |
id8760 | Anguis fragilis s.l. | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 379 | Kristijan Lazić | 24.05.2014 | 26.05.2014 | |
id9264 | Anguis fragilis s.l. | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 382 | Kristijan Lazić | 10.08.2014 | 12.08.2014 | |
id10224 | Anguis fragilis s.l. | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 379 | Kristijan Lazić | 30.05.2015 | 21.06.2015 | |
id5122 | Bufo bufo | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 375 | Kristijan Lazić | 01.05.2010 | 11.07.2011 | in a forest stool |
id10664 | Coronella austriaca | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 376 | Kristijan Lazić | 02.04.2016 | 09.04.2016 | female? |
id10972 | Coronella austriaca | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 380 | Kristijan Lazić | 09.07.2016 | 15.07.2016 | |
id10366 | Dolichophis caspius | Serbia | Carpathians | Zaječar, Zajecar | 199 | Kristijan Lazić | 23.08.2015 | 24.08.2015 | Kraljevica park, near East fortress |
id5147 | Emys orbicularis | Serbia | Belgrade | Novi Beograd | 67 | Kristijan Lazić | 23.04.2011 | 13.07.2011 | |
id9176 | Hemidactylus turcicus | Greece | Macedonia | Nikiti | 5 | Kristijan Lazić | 30.07.2014 | 02.08.2014 | On the wall of a nearby house |
id5118 | Lacerta viridis | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 380 | Kristijan Lazić | 09.07.2011 | 11.07.2011 | |
id5618 | Lacerta viridis | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 360 | Kristijan Lazić | 25.09.2011 | 25.09.2011 | juvenile |
id8761 | Lacerta viridis | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 381 | Kristijan Lazić | 11.05.2014 | 26.05.2014 | At least 3 males and 2 females (one of the females is probably pregnant). |
id9263 | Lacerta viridis | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 383 | Kristijan Lazić | 10.08.2014 | 12.08.2014 | female |
id7574 | Mediodactylus kotschyi | Greece | Macedonia | Chalkidiki, Kassandra, Kryopigi | 80 | Kristijan Lazić | 09.08.2013 | 16.08.2013 | |
id10969 | Pelophylax ridibundus | Montenegro | Adriatic Sea coast | Železnička StanicaŠušanj, Zeleznicka StanicaSusanj, Stanica Susanj, Stanica Šušanj, Susanj, Šušanj | 22 | Kristijan Lazić | 29.06.2016 | 06.07.2016 | |
id9120 | Pelophylax/Rana sp. | Serbia | Belgrade | Opština Novi Beograd, Opstina Novi Beograd | 69 | Kristijan Lazić | 20.07.2014 | 22.07.2014 | tons of juvenile frogs :) |
id4508 | Podarcis muralis | Serbia | Belgrade | Avala | 482 | Kristijan Lazić | 08.08.2010 | 29.09.2010 | |
id4166 | Podarcis muralis | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 380 | Kristijan Lazić | 03.07.2010 | 27.07.2010 | |
id5120 | Podarcis muralis | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 380 | Kristijan Lazić | 09.07.2011 | 11.07.2011 | |
id7918 | Podarcis muralis | Serbia | Vojvodina | Irig, Ireg, Iregh, Irrig, Urog, Urogh, Ürög, Ürögh | 448 | Kristijan Lazić | 05.10.2013 | 15.10.2013 | |
id11747 | Pseudepidalea viridis | Serbia | Belgrade | Miljakovac | 182 | Kristijan Lazić | 16.03.2018 | 12.04.2018 | Rainy evening |
id10362 | Pseudepidalea viridis | Serbia | Carpathians | Zaječar, Zajecar | 140 | Kristijan Lazić | 18.08.2015 | 19.08.2015 | |
id11303 | Pseudopus apodus | Montenegro | Adriatic Sea coast | Gluhi Do | 204 | Kristijan Lazić | 01.05.2017 | 07.05.2017 | |
id11325 | Rana dalmatina | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 382 | Kristijan Lazić | 29.05.2017 | 13.06.2017 | poor pictures, taken by mobile phone |
id9429 | Salamandra salamandra | Serbia | Carpathians | Manastir Gornjak | 188 | Kristijan Lazić | 16.06.2009 | 27.08.2014 | larvae |
id9172 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Macedonia | Nikiti | 16 | Kristijan Lazić | 27.07.2014 | 30.07.2014 | |
id4438 | Testudo graeca | Greece | Thasos | Nísos Thásos, Nisos Thasos, Tasoez, Tasos, Taşöz, Thasos, Thassos, Thassos Island, Thásos, tasos, Θάσος, Тасос | 45 | Kristijan Lazić | 27.08.2010 | 16.09.2010 | |
id9171 | Testudo hermanni | Greece | Macedonia | Nikiti | 4 | Kristijan Lazić | 27.07.2014 | 29.07.2014 | |
id11304 | Testudo hermanni | Montenegro | Adriatic Sea coast | Gluhi Do | 302 | Kristijan Lazić | 01.05.2017 | 07.05.2017 | male |
id8954 | Testudo hermanni | Serbia | Carpathians | Opština Boljevac, Opstina Boljevac | 274 | Kristijan Lazić | 05.07.2014 | 07.07.2014 | |
id10360 | Testudo hermanni | Serbia | Carpathians | Zaječar, Zajecar | 137 | Kristijan Lazić | 18.08.2015 | 19.08.2015 | large female |
id5149 | Trachemys scripta | Serbia | Belgrade | Novi Beograd | 67 | Kristijan Lazić | 23.04.2011 | 13.07.2011 | |
id10222 | Zamenis longissimus | Serbia | Belgrade | Avala | 474 | Kristijan Lazić | 05.05.2015 | 21.06.2015 | |
id10223 | Zamenis longissimus | Serbia | Belgrade | Kosmaj | 380 | Kristijan Lazić | 13.06.2015 | 21.06.2015 | |
id11322 | Zamenis longissimus | Serbia | Belgrade | Miljakovac | 194 | Kristijan Lazić | 04.06.2017 | 13.06.2017 | DOR |
id11323 | Zamenis longissimus | Serbia | Belgrade | Miljakovac | 179 | Kristijan Lazić | 04.06.2017 | 13.06.2017 | DOR |
id8775 | Zamenis longissimus | Serbia | Belgrade | Opština Novi Beograd, Opstina Novi Beograd | 78 | Kristijan Lazić | 29.05.2014 | 30.05.2014 | |