Testudo hermanni, Hermann’s Tortoise

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id11130, Testudo hermanni, Bosnia and Herzegovina > Bosnia and Herzegovina > Mostar, Mostara, Мостар, 250 m a. s., Jan Dušek, 21.07.2016, 15.08.2016, 1 M
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Mostar, Mostara, Мостар, מוסטאר, モスタル Mostar, Mostara, Мостар, מוסטאר, モスタル Mostar, Mostara, Мостар, מוסטאר, モスタル
id11116, Testudo hermanni, Bosnia and Herzegovina > Bosnia and Herzegovina > Tvrdoš, Tvrdos, 290 m a. s., Jan Dušek, 19.07.2016, 15.08.2016, 1 F
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni
id7922, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Atiya, Atija, Атия, 10 m a. s., Petr Balej, 19.07.2013, 19.10.2013, 1 subadult
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Atiya, Atija, Атия
id53, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Carevo, 30 m a. s., Petr Balej, 04.07.2003, 27.03.2006, adult male, ssp. boettgeri
Testudo hermanni
id7673, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Elenite, 280 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 05.-15.08.2013, 21.08.2013,
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Elenite Elenite
id7669, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Elenite, 160 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 05.-15.08.2013, 21.08.2013,
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Elenite
id7711, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Elenite, 85 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 05.-15.08.2013, 26.08.2013,
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Elenite Elenite Elenite
id7709, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Elenite, 40 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 05.-15.08.2013, 26.08.2013,
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Elenite Elenite
id7707, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Elenite, 210 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 05.-15.08.2013, 26.08.2013,
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Elenite
id7703, Testudo hermanni, Bulgaria > Black Sea coast > Elenite, 45 m a. s., Miloslav Homolka, 05.-15.08.2013, 26.08.2013,
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Elenite Elenite Elenite Elenite
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