
amphibians and reptiles of locality: Dubrava (Pag, Croatia), environment of locality record id976

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id2658, Telescopus fallax, Croatia > Pag > Bošana, Boshana, 25 m a. s., David Letošník, 11.08.2008, 08.01.2009, road-killed
Telescopus fallax
id976, Telescopus fallax, Croatia > Pag > Dubrava, 80 m a. s., David Letošník, 06.07.2007, 10.07.2007, 2 road-killed individuals about 3 m far-away
Telescopus fallax Telescopus fallax
id980, Telescopus fallax, Croatia > Pag > Dubrava, 20 m a. s., David Letošník, 30.06.2007, 11.07.2007, juvenile
Telescopus fallax Telescopus fallax Telescopus fallax Telescopus fallax Telescopus fallax Telescopus fallax
id2663, Testudo hermanni, Croatia > Pag > Bošana, Boshana, 20-40 m a. s., David Letošník, 12.-20.08.2008, 09.01.2009, 3 individuals
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Bošana, Boshana
id977, Testudo hermanni, Croatia > Pag > Dubrava, 50 m a. s., David Letošník, 02.07.2007, 10.07.2007,
Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Testudo hermanni Dubrava Dubrava
id2660, Vipera ammodytes, Croatia > Pag > Bošana, Boshana, 25-35 m a. s., David Letošník, 12.-13.08.2008, 08.01.2009, Find of two adult individuals sunbathing not so far from each other
Vipera ammodytes
id981, Vipera ammodytes, Croatia > Pag > Dubrava, 300 m a. s., David Letošník, 05.07.2007, 11.07.2007,
Vipera ammodytes Dubrava Dubrava
id2335, Vipera ammodytes, Croatia > Pag > Sv. Vid, 300 m a. s., Olga Suldovská, 16.04.2008, 04.11.2008, cca 11 AM, sleeping between stones
Vipera ammodytes Vipera ammodytes
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